Saturday 30 April 2016

The Writer Diaries: Micropoetry April 2016

A reminder, my dear blog-readers that micropoetry is something that I came across on Twitter, and dutifully dived into with little to no thought.

March was my first 'Writer Diaries' micropoetry post - where I essentially stick all the little bits and bobs of micropoetry I've written in the month into one blogpost, so that it's not lost forever in the mire of my Twitter feed.

Much less micropoetry from li'l old me this month, though.

I guess that's what happens when my method is essentially:
  • have random phrases going round and round my head 
  • write them down (usually directly into the Tweet box)
  • head is now free of random phrases (woo!)


31st March

Not for the first time,
She wondered
Why they would make a girl of ink,
Into flesh and bone...

5th April

But surely you knew this before?
That she liked to watch the transient
Fade into decay
While celebrating and mourning the same?

5th April

My Shadow Man -
I dread the day
When you shadow another.
Am I your Shadow Girl?

20th April

You thought my spark had gone out
Hell no,
I'm a wildfire -
And I still burn

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  1. I just love your micro poetry! It's awesome how you can make it so creative.

  2. I really like the first 5th of April one and that last one there! Brilliant job as well <3


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!